9 Best Performing Arts Venues in Havana, Cuba

Casa de la Amistad


Housed in a stunning pink mansion in leafy Vedado, this is the place to come to hear excellent groups performing Afro-Cuban and other traditional music. It's open on Saturday night only and the cover charge depends on the band playing.

Casa de la Comedia

La Habana Vieja
Hidden down a small side street near Plaza de Armas, this place

has a full and ever-changing roster of events, including comedy shows, which take place on weekends at 7 pm.

Casa de la Trova


This is a good place to hear traditional Cuban music and has a great authentic vibe. The best time to come is on Friday starting at 6 pm.

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Dos Gardenias


This large complex, which also contains a variety of restaurants, always offers some type of musical event. The Video Bar is open from 10 pm and offers music and comedy nights for an entry fee of CUC$5, while the Salon Boleros opens nightly at 10 pm for boleros-style music.

Gran Teatro de la Habana


Also known as the Teatro García Lorca, the theater has a spectacular Baroque facade with white marble angels dancing gracefully on its four corner towers. It's a beautiful place to see operas, jazz shows, symphony performances, and plays. In addition, the National Ballet performs here under the direction of Alicia Alonso, who is now in her nineties but is still Cuba's honorary prima ballerina. There are two theaters here: the Sala García Lorca and the Sala Antonin Artaud, which is known for its avant-garde theater productions. At the time of writing it was closed due to ongoing renovations.

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Teatro Amadeo Roldán


Home of the Sinfónica Nacional (National Symphony), which is currently directed by Enrique Perez Mesa, the performances here are much better than the ages and outfits of the musicians (who look for all the world like a high school band) would suggest. Listen to them deal with Handel's Water Music or Prokofiev's 7th, especially the allegro movements.

Teatro Julio Antonio Mella


Home of the Danza Contemporánea de Cuba, this is the standard venue for contemporary theater, as well as for dance.

Teatro Nacional


Cuba's most important theater is used for classical music and ballet performances, as well as for contemporary theater and dance productions.

Teatro Trianon


This theater stages plays by contemporary playwrights.