2 Best Sights in Nashville, Tennessee

Belmont Mansion


This 1850s Italian-style villa was the home of Adelicia Acklen, Nashville's answer to Scarlett O'Hara, who married "once for money, once for love, and once for the hell of it." On Belmont University's campus, it's a gem right down to its sweeping staircase designed for grand entrances and cast-iron gazebos perfect for romance. Recent renovations have restored Acklen's bedroom to its original splendor, including a detailed reproduction of the wallpaper. The last tour of the day starts at 3:30 pm.

Historic Travellers Rest Plantation & Museum

Berry Hill
Berry Hill and the surrounding areas are rich in early Tennessee state history, full of key markers for the battle lines during the Battle of Nashville and housing homesteads like Judge John Overton’s, which has been preserved as Travellers Rest Plantation. With archaeological finds and Civil War significance, the plantation is a museum and is a popular stop for history buffs.