Bus Travel

Buses are inbound to Cleveland from all points. Greyhound is the major service, and the buses are timely, though they often arrive in Cleveland early in the morning or late at night, especially if travelers arrive from the East Coast or points west of Chicago. Weekenders coming in from cities within Ohio will find more flexible and convenient schedules.

The downtown bus terminal is large, with more than 20 gates. Frequent stops from departure to destination lengthen the trip relative to a car ride, but the service is dependable and safe.

Round-trip fares for two people inbound from Columbus, Ohio, cost about $80; from Cincinnati, around $140.

Bus Depots

Greyhound Bus Terminal. 1465 Chester Ave., Downtown, Cleveland, Ohio, 44113. 216/781–0520; www.greyhound.com.

Bus Lines

Greyhound. 800/229–9424; 216/781–0520; www.greyhound.com.

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