2 Best Places to Shop in Panama City, Panama

Avenida Central pedestrian mall

The Avenida Central pedestrian mall, a short walk from Casco Viejo, is lined with shops selling cheap, imported electronics, jewelry, fabrics, and clothing. A stroll down this busy street can be quite entertaining, even if you don't buy anything. Avoid the side streets.

Mercado de Artesanía de Panamá Viejo

The Mercado de Artesanía de Panamá Viejo, next to the Centro de Visitantes (Visitor Center), is packed with small shops and stalls selling everything for indigenous handicrafts—many shop owners are indigenous—to woven hats, Carnaval masks, and other artisans' works from the country's interior. A number of Guna families have shops here, making it a good place to buy molas.