1 Best Place to Shop in Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Mercado San Isidro

Only if you're feeling extremely intrepid, you can check out the capital's largest market, the enormous labyrinth of the Mercado San Isidro in the Comayagüela district across the river from downtown. The upside is everything—and we mean everything—is for sale here in quantities large and small. (This is the kind of place where you could buy just one safety pin.)

The big downside is that tales of pickpocketings and purse snatchings are legion, although they are less likely to happen in the market building itself than in the surrounding streets.

If you go—and consider carefully whether you want to—take a taxi to and from and take nothing of value with you.

If you're hell-bent on seeing a local market and are able to spend a half day outside the city, Valle de Ángeles's

Pabellones Artesanales

is a much safer and calmer experience.

between Avdas. 5 and 7 and Cs. 1 and 2, Comayagüela, Francisco Morazán, Honduras