2 Best Performing Arts Venues in Warsaw, Poland

Opera Kameralna


Housed in a beautifully restored 19th-century theater, Opera Kameralna, the Warsaw chamber opera, has an ambitious program and a growing reputation for quality performances. They are the organizers of the annual Mozart Festival, held in June 2016 for the 26th time.

Teatr Wielki Opera Narodowa

Warsaw's grand theater stages spectacular productions of the classic international opera and ballet repertoire, as well as Polish operas and ballets. The massive neoclassical house, built in the 1820s and reconstructed after the war, has an auditorium with more than 2,000 seats. Stanisław Moniuszko's 1865 opera Straszny Dwór (Haunted Manor), a lively piece with folk costumes and dancing, is a good starting point if you want to explore Polish music: the visual aspects will entertain you, even if the music is unfamiliar. Plot summaries in English are available at most performances.