2 Best Shopping in Reykjavík, Iceland

Kringlan Mall


This mall has a number of charming clothing stores and a movie theater, as well as good places to get souvenirs. It's on the east side of town at the intersection of Miklabraut and Kringlumýrarbraut. Kringlan's free shuttle bus departs from the tourist information center (Aðalstræti 2) at 11 and 2, Monday through Saturday; the return trip departs Kringlan at 1:30 on weekdays.


One of Iceland‘s two major shopping malls, Smáralind (pronounced smow-ra-lind), is in Kópavogur, a community neighboring Reykjavík to the south. It's huge—you'll find 90 stores across three floors—and houses, among other stores, British-based Debenhams as well as Iceland's own hypermarket chain, Hagkaup. From Reykjavík, you can take the S2 or 24 bus, but for a bit more than ISK 2,000, you can take a cab and save a lot of precious shopping time.