1 Best Sight in Mariehamn and the Åland Islands, Finland

Kastelholm Castle

Kastelholm is a wonderfully preserved medieval castle, with 14th-century origins, built by the Swedes to strengthen their presence on Åland. The nearby 18th-century Vita Björn prison is also worth a visit, and there is a treasure hunt and period costumes for the children, making this a great family destination. By turns, the castle has been a seat of Swedish royal bailiffs and a hunting lodge as well as the victim of damaging fires and sieges. Visits out of season can be made by arrangement.

Kastelholm, Åland Islands
Sights Details
Rate Includes: €7, Guided tours May, June, and early–mid-Aug., daily 10–5; July, daily 10–6; early–mid-Sept., daily 10–5, Closed Oct.–Apr.