1 Best Sight in Vlaamse Ardennen, Ghent and the Leie

Liefmans Brewery

Lying just north of town, this brewery has an enviable heritage. Liefmans has been going since 1679, and its dark beers are a staple of local bars. Outside of Oudenaarde, it's perhaps best known for its commercial fruit beers. Visits must be booked online, but make sure you get a peek at the magnificent Baudelot hall no matter what. Several beers are made here, including the dark Oud Bruin, the Goudenband, and the very sweet Kriek (cherry) and Frambozen (raspberry) beers.

Aalststraat 200, Oudenaarde, 9700, Belgium
Sights Details
Rate Includes: €12, Closed Sun., Visit must be booked online