1 Best Sight in Andros, Bimini, and the Berry Islands, Bahamas

Bimini Biological Field Station Sharklab

Often featured on Discovery Channel and other TV shows, the Bimini Biological Field Station Foundation's Sharklab was founded decades ago by Dr. Samuel Gruber, a shark biologist at the University of Miami. Important research on the lemon, hammerhead, nurse, bull, and other shark species has furthered awareness and understanding of the misunderstood creatures. Visitors can tour the lab at low tide. The highlight is wading into the bay, where the lab keeps several lemon sharks, rotating them on a regular basis. The tour leader gets in the pen with the sharks, captures one in a net, and speaks about its behaviors and common misconceptions people have of the lemon. The hands-on presentation, done by the research assistants or researchers themselves, is entertaining and educational. Tours are offered daily, but visitors must call in advance; the times aim for low tide. This is a special vacation highlight for families with children.