What to Bring

Amazon essentials include a high-quality rain poncho, comfortable shoes, a sun hat, swimwear, and lightweight long shirts, and cotton or linen trousers to keep off mosquitos. Extras include mosquito repellent, sunscreen, earplugs (the Amazon can be noisy at night!), a flashlight, matches, sunglasses, and a waterproof camera case. Plan for drenching downpours by bringing sufficient plastic bags, especially for important items. Regular suitcases are fine for jungle lodges and river cruises, but for remote travel in the Amazon, a small backpack is the most efficient way to carry your gear. Specific things to consider packing for an off-the-grid Amazon vacation are: a water bottle, filter, purification tablets, sunscreen, a good medical kit, knife, a lightweight hammock (rede de garimpeiro), mosquito netting, sheets, 3 yards of ¼-inch rope, and a tent (if you're planning to camp).

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