




Having survived Civil War and catastrophic flooding, Chattanooga became the "Dynamo of Dixie" by the 1940s—a bustling, midsized industrial town. Fifty years later, betrayed by a sagging, old-school economy, the city fell into decline. But that all changed in 2002 with the 21st Century Waterfront Project—a visionary public–private partnership to revitalize the aging city. Thirty-six months and $120 million later, the work was completed. The Riverfront Parkway was rerouted and anchored with the Tennessee Aquarium. A stunning glass bridge connects the city to the old money of the Bluff View Arts District. Brand-new green spaces accent the finest architectural assets. And the whole town is talking technology: an ultrahigh-speed fiber-optic connection that transfers data at one gigabit per s... Read More

Having survived Civil War and catastrophic flooding, Chattanooga became the "Dynamo of Dixie" by the 1940s—a bustling, midsized industrial town. Fifty years later, betrayed by a sagging, old-school economy, the city fell into decline. But that all changed in 2002 with the 21st Century Waterfront Project—a visionary public–private partnership to revitalize the aging city. Thirty-six months and $120 million later, the work was completed. The Riverfront Parkway was rerouted and anchored with the Tennessee Aquarium. A stunning glass bridge connects the city to the old money of the Bluff View Arts District. Brand-new green spaces accent the finest architectural assets. And the whole town is talking technology: an ultrahigh-speed fiber-optic connection that transfers data at one gigabit per second. Welcome to "Gig City."

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