
Prices for services and travel vary tremendously throughout the state. In Manhattan, New York City suburbs, eastern Long Island, and even parts of the Hudson Valley, it's easy to get swept up in a cyclone of $60-per-person dinners, $100 theater tickets, $20 nightclub covers, $10 cab rides, and $300 hotel rooms. Elsewhere in the state, prices for dining, hotels, and entertainment tend to be consistent with national averages. But one of the good things about New York, even in Manhattan, is that there's such a wide variety of options; you can spend in some areas and save in others.

Prices throughout are given for adults. Substantially reduced fees are almost always available for children, students, and senior citizens.

ATMs & Banks

Cash machines are abundant throughout New York and are found not only in banks but in many grocery stores, Laundromats, delis, and hotels. Note, however, that many bank ATMs charge users a fee of up to $2, and the commercial ATMs in retail establishments can charge even more.

Credit Cards

It's a good idea to inform your credit-card company before you travel, especially if you're going abroad and don't travel internationally very often. Otherwise, the credit-card company might put a hold on your card owing to unusual activity—not a good thing halfway through your trip. Record all your credit-card numbers—as well as the phone numbers to call if your cards are lost or stolen—in a safe place, so you're prepared should something go wrong. Both MasterCard and Visa have general numbers you can call (collect if you're abroad) if your card is lost, but you're better off calling the number of your issuing bank, since MasterCard and Visa usually just transfer you to your bank; your bank's number is usually printed on your card.

Reporting Lost Cards

American Express. 800/528–4800; 336/393–1111;

Diners Club. 800/234–6377; 303/799–1504;

Discover. 800/347–2683; 801/902–3100;

MasterCard. 800/627–8372; 636/722–7111;

Visa. 800/847–2911; 410/581–9994;

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