
The south shore is a great jumping-off point for day treks into nearby Eldorado National Forest and Desolation Wilderness.

Desolation Wilderness. Trails within the 63,960-acre wilderness lead to gorgeous backcountry lakes and mountain peaks. It's called Desolation Wilderness for a reason, so bring a topographic map and compass, and carry water and food. You need a permit for overnight camping (877/444–6777). In summer you can access this area by boarding a boat taxi ($18 one-way) at Echo Chalet (9900 Echo Lakes Rd., off U.S. 50, 530/659–7207, www.echochalet.com) and crossing Echo Lake. The Pacific Crest Trail also traverses Desolation Wilderness. El Dorado National Forest Information Center, South Lake Tahoe, California, 95667. 530/644–2349; www.fs.usda.gov/eldorado.

Pacific Crest Trail. Hike a couple of miles on this famous mountain trail that stretches from Mexico to Canada. Echo Summit, about 12 miles southwest of South Lake Tahoe off U.S. 50, South Lake Tahoe, California, 96150. 916/285–1846; www.pcta.org.