Hours of Operation

Belize is a laid-back place that requires a certain amount of flexibility when shopping or sightseeing. Small shops tend to open according to the whim of the owner, but generally operate 8–noon and 1–6. Larger stores and supermarkets in Belize City and in larger towns such as San Ignacio and San Pedro don't close for lunch.

Many shops are only open a half day on Saturday. On Sunday, Belize takes it easy: Few shops are open, and many restaurants outside of hotels are closed. Most Mayan sites in Belize are open daily 8–5. Guatemala's Tikal ruins are open daily 6–6, with longer hours for those staying at lodges in the park.


New Year's Day (January 1); Baron Bliss Day (officially March 9, but observation date may vary); Good Friday; Holy Saturday; Easter Monday; Labour Day (May 1); Sovereign's Day, also called Commonwealth Day (May 24); National Day (September 10); Independence Day (September 21); Columbus Day, also known as Pan-American Day (October 12); Garífuna Settlement Day (November 19); Christmas Day; Boxing Day (December 26).

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