Extreme Sports

There are lots of sporting activities in Dubai that are definitely for those who want at least a little adrenaline hit, with varying levels of extreme. Here are some of our favorites.

Dubai Autodrome. Several activities at individual outlets are available here. Look for karting and motorsports (yes, you can actually drive a formula one car here), plus lessons in drifting. Nearby Gravity Zone offers crane-based 50-meter bungee jumps. Dubai Autodrome, Motor City, Burj Dubai, Dubai, Dubai. 4/367--8700; www.dubaiautodrome.com.

Searide Dubai. Take your choice of a flyboard or hoverboard to feel like Astro Boy on water. Those who can't cope with the speed and power might want to opt for a Jet Ski tour. Searide is run by world champion jet skier Steven Dauliach. Al Souq Harbour, Jumeirah 2, Jumeirah Beach, Dubai, Dubai. 55/157--8393; http://searide-dubai.com.

Skydive Dubai. Skydive Dubai offers lessons, tandem drops, formation skydiving, freeflying and more, both at Dubai Marina (the Palm Drop Zone) and at their desert campus. Instructors are extremely experienced, with thousands of jumps each and many world records held. If skydiving is not your thing, take a spin in their "gyrocopter" (a lightweight rotocraft). Skydive Dubai's PDZ is also home to the World Air Games and Dubai International Parachuting Championship. Al Seyahi St., Mina Seyahi, Dubai Marina, Dubai, Dubai. 4/377--8888; www.skydivedubai.ae.